As the Fastest Growing and 5th largest brokerage in the country, Realty ONE Group is seeking real estate professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for real estate to take the next step in owning a Realty ONE Group office.

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Why One?


We don't think that just because "it's the way things have always been done" is a good reason to keep doing something, and that's why we're constantly innovating, constantly improving, and always changing for the better to serve more agents and more clients.


Traditional has been dying in real estate since the digital age began. With non-traditional models taking hold during the downturn of the economy, we saw an opportunity to offer a traditional set of service without the split.


As more agents learned that they should really only pay for what they need, the style of full-service at a 30% split just didn't make sense any more. À la carte style models are more popular than ever, offering more flexibility.


... and eat it too. The Realty ONE structure is designed that you can still have a full-service brokerage with great marketing, technology, staff support, and culture while still letting agents keep 100% of their commission.

Want to know more about Owning a ONE?

We're in this together.

A brand all about 100%. From being 100% family-owned to a 100% commission model, Realty ONE Group will take your investment to the next level!

Own a ONE

Copyright © 2021 One Utah Group. All Rights Reserved.The information provided on this web site is not to be construed as an offer of a franchise. Offers of franchises may only be made by delivery of a franchise disclosure document (prospectus), and in certain states the franchise disclosure document must first have been registered with the state agency that regulates the offers and sales of franchises.

Simple & Fair



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Per Transaction*
Per Transaction

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Yearly E&O

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Sign Up Fee*
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.